Terms of Service
By ordering from me and buying from my shop, you are agreeing to these Terms of Service, and the breaking of any of the things below could result in legal action.
Please read thorough everything (clicking on each bulletpoint will open a drop-down) and make sure you fully understand. If you ever have any questions on any of these terms or possibly even something that is not listed here, please feel free to email me or message me privetly on any of my socials.
The Artist
I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time during the order process for any reason.
Whether that reason is for something serious such as racism and discrimination of myself or others for being LGBTQIA+ or simply just not following other things listed in my Terms, I reserve the right to deny you service.
Even if it is at the checkout and you are about to pay for my works, I reserve the right to refuse and no longer accept your payment or offer my services.
You are merely paying for my labor, I still retain all rights to my work.
I reserve the right to use any and all photos taken of your order as advertising and as example photos.
I also reserve the right to take video of packaging your order for sites such as TikTok for advertising. Of course, your information will not be disclosed and all people would see is the contents of the order, but if this makes you uncomfortable, you also reserve the right to ask me to not do this and I will respect you and your wishes.
I reserve the right to stop production on your order at any time for any reason and issue a refund if I feel that is the best solution.
If I ever find myself in a position where I feel I can no longer go through with finishing your order, I will contact you ASAP and propose I send a refund.
In cases like this, it would be a full refund.
I reserve the right to use all denied designs later to sell.
If there are any designs I make during the order process that you deny/do not like, I may save them for later to make and sell as premades.
I do not work with minors; anyone under the legal age of 18 years old.
I simply just do not want to do business with anyone under the age of 18 for legal reasons if things have to be taken to court for any reason.
If work has already begun past the sketch phase, there will not be a 100% refund.
The amount done will be subtracted from the total refund. For example, lets say 50% of the work is done, then there would be a 50% refund to compensate for the 50% of work I did on the piece that will now be scrapped.
I will refuse service if you attempt to use a character you do not own unless you have gotten explicit permission to commission me for such.
This sadly also bleeds into cannon characters; I will not draw them exactly as they appear, I will make design changes to make them my own and use that in the piece.
I will not do work with brand new accounts or “empty”/“suspicious” accounts with little to no activity.
At least have an icon, bio, and a few things liked to let me know that you're actually serious and not a ghoster or scammer.
I will not issue refunds for or tolerate chargebacks on finished or currently being finished artwork or orders.
If you ever need a refund at any point for any reason, contact me immediately so we can get it settled as soon as possible and as stress free as possible. Do not be scared to approach me for a refund.
I will not tolerate rude or inappropriate behavior during the commission process.
Please remain respectful at all times during the commission process.
I will not share, give out, or sell any of the privet/personal information that is gained during the commission process (email, PayPal email, legal name, etc.)
Due to being a business, I collect all transaction information on my sales for taxes. The only things I write down is what you ordered, the month in which it was ordered, and how much it was (plus any tips given).
If I do not hear from you in 3 of my work days since my last message, then I will assume it is okay to finish your piece and will do such so that I do not clog up my queue any longer.
Please check your inbox and make sure you check your spam as well to ensure you don't miss any of my messages.
The Customer
You reserve the right to cancel your order at any time for any reason.
If you ever find yourself in a position where you no longer want to go through with your order, you are free to email me about it at any time.
However, if production has already begun on beadwork especially, I may not be able to issue a full refund, as cost of materials and time spent on work has to be considered.
You are allowed to use the work you buy for things like profile pictures and banners, however, you do not reserve the right to resell or claim as your own.
You also cannot use anything you get to make "merch" or anything like that; you are simply paying for my labor.
If you would like me to make something for you for merch, then we would have to discuss that in depth and you will have to pay more for full ownership of the work, and then discuss how much I would get from each sale, as I feel I should be given a cut for my work.
If you do not think I deserve a cut, I will refuse to work with you.
You can check on your order progress anytime, just please be reasonable about it.
I expect check ins once a week or so, but once a day is absurd. Please keep check ins to 1-2 times a week if you would like to do such.
But there should be no need with the amount of updates and WIPPS I usually send out.
You DO NOT reserve the right to copy any beadwork or any art you buy from me.
Buying my beadwork or commissioning me for a custom design does not open the door for you to take my design, copy it, and/or resell it.
Many of my designs, especially my heritage series, are based off of designs made by my own ancestors, and are done to help keep the spirit of my family alive.
If I owe you anything that has been ordered at any point, you reserve the right to approach me to receive this item at any point and will not have to pay anything.
Just email me proof of purchase or the time frame in which you made your order and we can discuss the details.
You reserve the right to be as descriptive or undescriptive of your order as you’d like to be.
Please be aware that being less descriptive and even giving no description of what you would like or are looking for means more artistic freedom and liberty on my end.
You are responsible for telling me of any changes that occur to the order at any point during the process.
Please be sure to update me on any and everything that could effect the commission.
You are responsible for paying your commission up front and in full.
If doing a payment plan, you are responsible for paying each payment in their full amount on each specified date we agreed upon.
You will not share, give out, or sell any of the personal/private information gained from the commission process (email, PayPal email, legal name, etc.).
Please do not give out any of the info you may gain from our business together; such as legal names, addresses, etc.
You are responsible for telling me when you need your order done before hand if you need it done by a specific time.
PLEASE tell me of any due dates I have to meet BEFORE production on your piece starts so that I may work on it in a timely manner and deliver it to you as soon as possible!
Once the package leaves my hands, it is out of my control and up to the USPS employees to do their job and get your order to you safe.
Please do not message me demanding to know where your package is when I am just as clueless and in the dark as you once I take it to the post office.
I want your item to get to you as safely and timely as possible, if I knew the whereabouts of it, I would inform you of such immediately, but I sadly am not the one taking the package to you and I do not have my own shipping company.
Allow up to 1-3 weeks at the most for your package to be shipped depending on your order AFTER your items are finished.
I am very careful and through with my packaging, and sometimes depending on the order, it can take a while for me to get everything in order and make sure you have the best unboxing experience possible AND to make sure all of your items get to you safely and in one piece.
In some cases, like with glass windows, I even have to buy wood and make a special frame around the front and back to make sure it does not break during shipment.
I will be sure to give any and all updates I can, however, to not leave you wondering and in the dark, and you are always free to message me first.
All orders above $15 come with tracking.
If your items get lost or damaged during shipment, you are entitled to one completely free re-do/remake of the items.
Please just contact me directly and we will work out the specifics of everything.
The Order Process
Please allow up to 1-3 weeks at the most to finish your order.or even up to 2 months depending on the item.
All of my art mediums take lots of time and energy from me to do, please allow me time to work on your piece and have trust that the finished product will be finished and amazing.
I also usually give out ETAs, and if I were to ever go over that without an update, you are more than free to directly contact me and ask what's going on.
You are free to change the items/designs in your order so long as production has not yet started.
If I have already started work, I cannot change the design.
If anything comes up in the commission process that will slow down or even halt my work and progress, I will contact you ASAP to inform you of these changes.
I reserve the right to turn down your order at this time if I feel it is the best option, and you will receive the appropriate refund. You reserve the right to also ask for a refund at this time.